Last updated on 2018-04-02
You need the following software to complete this tutorial:
Note: It is best to install these programs using your distribution's package management software. Ubuntu uses Aptitude, Gentoo uses Portage, Fedora uses Yum, etc.
sudo apt-get install wine
In Gentoo you'd type:
sudo emerge wine
tmpdir="$(mktemp -d /tmp/gta2-XXXX)" && \
pushd "$tmpdir" && \
printf "%s\n" "Getting winetricks and installing Visual Basic 6.0 Runtime Service Pack 6 and DirectPlay" && \
wget && \
chmod +x winetricks && \
mkdir -p ~/.cache/winetricks/vb6run && \
wget -O "$HOME/.cache/winetricks/vb6run/VB6.0-KB290887-X86.exe" && \
WINEARCH=win32 WINEPREFIX="$HOME/wine-gta2" ./winetricks -q directplay vb6run && \
wget --trust-server-names && \
mkdir -pv "$HOME/wine-gta2/drive_c/games" && \
printf "%s\n" "Installing GTA2" && \
WINEPREFIX="$HOME/wine-gta2" wine gta2-installer.exe \/S \/D=C:\\games\\GTA2\\ && \
printf "%s\n" "Installing GameHunter" && \
WINEPREFIX="$HOME/wine-gta2" wine gta2gh*setup.exe \/S \/D=C:\\games\\GTA2\\gh\\ && \
printf "%s\n" "Adding GTA2 Manager keys to registry" && \
WINEPREFIX="$HOME/wine-gta2" wine regedit "$HOME/wine-gta2/drive_c/games/GTA2/gta2_install.reg" && \
popd && \
printf '%s\n' "Adding \"gta2\" alias to ~/.bashrc" && \
sed -i '/^alias gta2=/d' ~/.bashrc && \
printf '%s\n' "alias gta2='WINEPREFIX=\"\$HOME/wine-gta2\" wine \"$HOME/wine-gta2/drive_c/games/GTA2/gh/gta2gh.exe\"'" >> ~/.bashrc && \
printf '%s\n' "Installation complete." "To run GTA2/GameHunter, type: gta2"
That's it! As far as Linux is concerned, you are now ready to play.
Unfortunately GTA2 is an old game and although you got everything running correctly so far, you might not be able to enjoy multiplayer games just yet. If you try joining other players and the "Network GTA2" window pops up but the "join" button is disabled, then either you or the person you are trying to join need to forward your ports. Read very carefully. Forwarding ports only takes one minute once you've done it before, but you will need to pay attention and read carefully if this is your first time. You only ever need to do this once, unless you change routers or your network setup somehow changes.
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